Why a good day is a big deal..

Most people who have neurotypical children won’t understand the joys we take in the every day stuff.

I’m not going to lie, this school year has started out rough. Mr. K has been in rare form. He’s being disruptive, argumentative, and refusing to do his work.

I complained about it in a previous post, I know.

I’m still not sure why. He is officially a pre-teen though.

Anyway, for the neurotypical person, you just sort of expect good days. Most people seem to have “easy” kids when it comes to school and things. Not saying my kid is bad, because he’s really not, but he can be difficult. He’s highly stubborn and too smart for his own good.

So, this school year has gotten off to a rocky start. We’re lucky he has awesome teachers. They’re understanding and willing to try to figure out the root of his problem and help him help himself. So, they are trying a new little system where each class, the teacher writes whether he had a good or bad period and of he did his work. Let’s just say the start of the week was filled with a lot of negative. But, and it was just one day, Friday was a good day. Like, every class period was great!

It may not seem like it if you don’t understand the adhd/autism/tween years struggle, but this is a huge deal. For us, anyway.

I know there is still a way to go and he is likely to have a rough week again mext week but I know he can do it. He knows he can do it. All we can do is hope for the best with the little system and hope he realizes this is the route that will make it all easier for him.

Here’s the sheet grom Friday, yes, I’m bragging a little.

It’s been rough..

The last couple months parricularly.

My demons have been winning. I am fighting but desperately losing.

I’ve been stressing over reauthorization so the kid can get back into his therapy group.

Said kid has been, well let’s be honest, a complete arse at school so far.

It’s like he is taking this preteen angst, I don’t care about anything, ugh! My life sucks, I can do whatever the heck I want business and completely milking it for all its worth.

He has 80s movie teen angst down pat, let’s just say that.

He is barely even into this tweenagedom. What gives?!

I don’t know what to do. His teachee keeps asking for ideas but, really, I have none. Right now we are just along for the ride waiting for something to give. What can you do? Hold on and hope it doesn’t last long? Wait out the moment it is outgrown?

Are all tweenagers like this? Maybe just not as extreme?

We’re learning as we go. Blatantly failing but learning.

And just hoping we all come out unscathed.

All the while, I am trying not to drown in darkness.

‘Tis my life though

Summer, where did you go?

This Summer has gone by so fast. This year is flying by really. I guess because we have been staying fairly busy, with appointments, cheer practice, tumbling class, and family birthday parties. This has been, probably, our busiest Summer yet.

We aren’t really go places people. We don’t do Summer family vacations because we just can’t afford them. There aren’t a lot of options for entertainment in our little neck of the woods either. I expect life to continue to get busy though as the smallest Turkey boy is showing interest in sports and baby girl is all about Cheerleading.

We have just about a month left of Summer. We are already starting to transition to back to school mode. Working on getting back on more of a schedule, getting back into our morning and afternoon school year routines. We have just about finished all the back to school shopping, too.

And yet, I’m actually kind of sad. This Summer has also been the best Summer we’ve all had together in a long time. For the most part, everyone got along. Everyone was happy with each others company. We’ve enjoyed outside time together. We’ve done a couple crafts and painting without driving each other crazy over it.

We’ve never really been great at being together. Too many conflicting personalities.

We’re not quite ready to say goodbye to Summer just yet, but it will be here before long.